
Continuity between DSM-5 Section II and Section III personality traits for obsessive–compulsive personality disorder - Liggett - 2017 - Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy - Wiley Online Library


Obsessive–compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) is formally operationalized in Section II of the DSM-5 by a heterogeneous collection of 8 categorical criteria. Section III contains an alternative model operationalizing personality disorders via dimensional personality traits and associated impairment. The extent to which the personality traits used to define OCPD in Section III correspond with the Section II operationalization of the disorder is contested. The current study aims to contribute to the evidence base necessary to solidify the optimal trait profile for this disorder via a more fine-tuned examination of OCPD. To read the full article, log in using your SSSFT NHS OpenAthens details.




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