
SSRN-Is Business Intelligence for Everyone? by Sandu Daniela Ioana


A key component of a company's IT framework is a business intelligence (BI) system. Traditional BI systems were designed for senior management and business analysts to report on, analyze and optimize business operations to reduce costs and increase revenues. Organizations use BI for strategic and tactical decision making where the decision-making cycle may span a time period of several weeks or months. Competitive pressures coming from a very dynamic business environment are forcing companies to react faster to changing business conditions and customer requirements. As a result, there is now a need to use BI to help drive and optimize business operations on a daily basis, and, in some cases, even for intraday decision making. This type of BI is called operational business intelligence and real-time business intelligence and it is used not only by senior management and analysts (as in traditional BI) but also by line of business managers and operational users. In other words this is BI for everyone.


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