
jQuery Enlightenment | by Cody Lindley | 1st Edition | based on jQuery 1.3.2


jQuery Enlightenment was written to express, in short-order, the concepts essential to intermediate and advanced jQuery development. Its purpose is to instill in you, the reader, the knowledge that jQuery developers take as common development knowledge. Each chapter contains concepts critical to becoming a seasoned jQuery developer. This was written for three types of readers. The first reader is the person who has read all of the introductory books on jQuery and is looking for the next logical read. The second type of reader is the JavaScript developer, already versed in another solution, but is now trying to quickly learn jQuery. For these types of readers this is exactly the book you wish every library had available. The third reader is me, the author. I genuinely crafted this book so that it could be used as my own personal reference source to jQuery concepts.




  • @kw
  • @goncourt

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