
The Harm of Adjusting for Multiple Statistical Testing in Psychiatric Research - de Carvalho Alves - - Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica - Wiley Online Library


Research letter. Multiple statistical testing (or multiple comparisons) occurs quite often in psychiatric research since it remains common for a given sample to have multiple exposures and outcomes assessed concurrently 1. One reason for this is that clinical presentations in psychiatry are complex phenomena whose etiologies appear to comprise multiple environmental and biological factors with small‐to‐moderate magnitudes 2. So, although complex etiologies could be modeled using interactions and advanced multivariable statistical models, it is common that they need crude estimates of novel variables, increasing the probability of dealing with multiple comparisons.. To read the full article, log in using your NHS Athens details. To access full-text: click “Log in/Register” (top right hand side). Click ‘Institutional Login’ then select 'OpenAthens Federation', then ‘NHS England’. Enter your Athens details to view the article.




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