
Many IT 'Jobs of the Future' Will Involve Delving into Data | Blogs |


Many industry observers predict IT employees of the future will be less focused on building and delivering services and more focused on integrating and managing them. I wrote about this shift earlier this month, sharing some scary forecasts from the Corporate Executive Board's Information Technology Practice and titling my post "Say Goodbye to IT as We Know It." A Computerworld article strikes a similar theme (and title) with "IT Careers 2010: The End of IT as We Know It." You can accuse journalists of having a sensationalistic bent, but IT pros themselves recognize a shift is under way. Twenty-six percent of IT pros surveyed by Computerworld last month said that while their role will still exist in 2020, "it will have changed dramatically." Another 10 percent said their current job would no longer exist, and 7 percent said it was "not likely" their job would still be around.




  • @taspel

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