
This is a very simple CCG based on the movie Star Wars: Episode I. From 6 cards in your hand first you deploy cards. You can deploy 6 points of cards at a time and you and your opponent take turns doing this. Cards you can deploy include characters, weapons, effects and locations. This continues until both players pass. Phase two is the battle for the planet you are on. You lay cards in your hand down and pick up your deployed cards. These are arranged in the order that you want them to fight with weapons and/or effects played before the character. With the cards in order you place them face down in a stack and you both turn over cards until you get to a character. Cards turned over before the character are attached to the character (weapons and such) if the character can use them. Whichever character has more power wins and the loser discards his character and attached cards. Damage is determined by the winners damage rating. The loser then discards that many cards off the top of his deck. Both players then turn over their cards in the fight deck for the next characters to fight, etc. If the attacker ends up with more characters then the defender then the defender discards 1 card for each. The cards that survived the battle remain at the planet for the next round. The final phase is called evening up. Pick up your original hand and you may discard it before drawing back up to 6 cards then go back to phase one again. If after a battle you are the only one with characters left on a planet you have won it and you move to the next planet. You win by controlling 2 of the 3 planets or by running your opponent out of cards. There are a lot of other little things involved but that is basically how the game goes. The artwork on the cards is up to Deciphers usual very high standards. Unfortunately from reading the rule book I could find no mention of the designer.


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  • @tudp

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