
Psoriasiform and acneiform lesions in a patient with bipolar disease | Postgraduate Medical Journal


Case report. A 34-year-old man was referred from psychiatry department with a 4-week history of erythematous scaly lesions over his scalp and upper extremities, with associated acneiform eruptions over the face. Historically, the patient was a diagnosed case of type II bipolar disease, receiving lithium carbonate daily for past 6 months. He was not taking any other medication. Clinical examination revealed well-defined erythematous scaly papules and plaques with white semiadherent scales with mild-to moderate induration over the scalp, chest, back and upper extremities (figures 1 and 2). Additionally, he had skin-coloured to erythematous ….... To read the full article, log in using your NHS OpenAthens details.




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