
Exploring Nurses’ and Patients’ Perceptions of Hope and Hope‐Engendering Nurse Interventions in an Eating Disorder Facility: A Descriptive Cross‐sectional Study - Stavarski - - Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing - Wiley Online Library


Individuals with eating disorders (EDs) experience suicidal thoughts and behaviors at elevated rates compared to the general population. Hope‐engendering nursing actions may increase patients’ levels of hope for the future, improve coping self‐efficacy, and possibly reduce suicidality. Although nursing staff are integral ED treatment team members, little is known about nursing actions targeting hopefulness.. To read the full article, log in using your NHS Athens details. To access full-text: click “Log in/Register” (top right hand side). Click ‘Institutional Login’ then select 'OpenAthens Federation', then ‘NHS England’. Enter your Athens details to view the article.




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