
Efficacy of Occupational Therapy Using Ayres Sensory Integration®: A Systematic Review - ProQuest


The American Journal of Occupational Therapy; Bethesda Vol. 72, Iss. 1,  (Jan/Feb 2018): 1-10,1A-4A. [...]outcome measures used in many previous studies lacked adequate sensitivity to detect changes in key areas purported to be responsive to ASI or did not measure outcomes valued by the client and his or her family (Cohn & Cermak, 1998). [...]given the limitations of previous reviews, the purpose of this systematic review was to examine the literature on ASI intervention using studies published between 2007 and May 2015 and to specifically focus on evidence that ASI improves functioning and participation in everyday activities for children identified as having difficulties with processing and integrating sensory information.. To read the full article, log in using your NHS OpenAthens details.




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