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    The agility of organizations has become the critical success factor for competitiveness in a world characterized by an accelerating rate of change. Agility requires that companies and their employees together and mutually dependently learn and develop their competencies efficiently in order to improve productivity of knowledge work. Failures of organisation-driven approaches to technology-enhanced learning and the success of community-driven approaches in the spirit of Web 2.0 have shown that for that agility we need to leverage the intrinsic motivation of employees to engage in collaborative learning activities, and combine it with a new form of organisational guidance. For that purpose, MATURE conceives individual learning processes to be interlinked (the output of a learning process is input to others) in a knowledge-maturing process in which knowledge changes in nature. This knowledge can take the form of classical content in varying degrees of maturity, but also involves tasks & processes or semantic structures. The goal of MATURE is to understand this maturing process better, based on empirical studies, and to build tools and services to reduce maturing barriers.
    16 years ago by @boehr

    MUSING delivers next-generation knowledge management solutions and services to enable perceptive business intelligence activities, directly at the End-Users premises. By applying innovative technological solutions, MUSING provides exclusive services for three business intelligence application areas:
    16 years ago by @boehr

    Stuttgart - Auf rund 150 Milliarden Euro schätzen Experten die Schäden, die jährlich durch fehlerhafte Projektabwicklung entstehen. Und zwar allein in Deutschland. Angesichts dieser Grössenordnung wird klar, welch enormes Potenzial in der Verbesserung des Managements von Projekten liegt. Welche Rolle spielt dabei der Umgang mit der strategischen Ressource Wissen?
    16 years ago by @boehr
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