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    The concepts The CodeCount toolset is a collection of tools designed to automate the collection of source code sizing information. The CodeCount toolset spans multiple programming languages and utilizes one of two possible Source Lines of Code (SLOC) definitions, physical or logical. The CodeCount toolset is provided in source code only, and may be used as is, modified or further distributed subject to certain limitations. The tools in the collection are supplied in C source code only. You are responsible for compiling and building executable versions. The Product The CodeCount toolset is copyright USC Center for Software Engineering but is made available with a Limited Public License which permits the distribution of the modifications you make provided you return a copy to us so we can further enhance the toolset for the benefit of all.
    17 years ago by @gresch

    Crap4j is a Java implementation of the CRAP (Change Risk Analysis and Predictions) software metric – a mildly offensive metric name to help protect you from truly offensive code. The CRAP metric combines cyclomatic complexity and code coverage from automated tests (e.g. JUnit tests) to help you identify code that might be particularly difficult to understand, test, or maintain – the kind of code that makes developers say: “This is crap!” or, if they are stuck maintaining it, “Oh, crap!”. The best way to learn more about CRAP and Crap4j is to check the various articles, newsgroups and blogs about them.
    17 years ago by @gresch
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