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    Mediawiki offlinefähig machen mittels TiddlyWiki, Synchronisation angeblich möglich. It's no fun being unplugged. That's why we've created MediaWiki Unplugged which allows you to view your MediaWiki content when you have no interwebz. No interwebz? No more tears. Like Johnson & Johnson. How you gonna use this? * You can review your corporate internet when travelling to a customer site * You can refer to wikipedia when you're working in the park * You can work on your personal mediawiki offline * You can occupy your daughter with dinosaurs while you're trapped on a desert island * You've had a hard month and can't afford internetz MediaWiki Unplugged needs to run off your computer. To use it you need to download it using the button below.
    14 years ago by @gresch

    Welcome to the Scala Wiki. First-time visitors should read the introduction to this site.
    14 years ago by @gresch

    Welcome to the AgileWiki Project How do you create Fluid Software Systems? For more than 35 years I have asked myself, what is the right way to program? I've learned about goto-less programming, top-down programming, object oriented programming, the Common Object Model, Java Beans, MBeans, Enterprise Java Beans, Plain Old Java Objects, and XML binding. But regardless of the approach, the software is always too rigid, the software stack is too deep, and the requirements always change in ways that require too much work. In 2002 I had the privilege of working for, and being mentored by, Norman Kashdan. By that time he had already spent 18 years developing a world view that he calls Rolonics. I believed then that there was something very right about Rolonics and have myself spent the last 5 years developing a software engineering practice around it. Finally I have come to understand [some of] its value: with a Rolonic approch to software engineering we can create highly configurable, fluid software systems that can change on-the-fly to meet ever changing requirements.
    17 years ago by @gresch

    Open Forum is an application providing a Wiki style collaboration platform. It comes ready to run out of the box and has an integrated web server and user authentication. In addition to the standard Wiki functions of page editing, OpenForum allows the Wiki platform to be extended, tailored and integrated with existing systems. This is achieved by the use of server side Javascript scripts and Java plugins. The server side scripts can be edited from within the Wiki itself. In fact all the Wiki actions, such as editing pages, uploading attachments and controlling access are defined in Javascript scripts that can be edited from within the Wiki. * OpenForum has the ability to serve real-time content mixed with static content using a number of AJAX style functions. * OpenForum can access databases, REST applications and Xml based web services as well as being able to provide services to other applications. * OpenForum has a rich set of templateing functions to enable the Wiki to have a consistent look and feel. * Unlike many Wiki's, OpenForum allows pages to be organised hierarchically with hierarchical templates and access control.
    17 years ago by @gresch


    Daisy is a content management system that offers rich out-of-the-box functionality combined with solid foundations for extensibility and integration. Daisy consists of two main components: * a stand-alone repository server accessible through HTTP/XML (using the ReST style of WebServices) and/or a high-level (remote) Java API, and * an extensive editing and publishing front-end web application running inside Apache Cocoon. Due to its genericity and flexibility, Daisy can be used for many different purposes, but is ideally suited for information-rich, structured content and asset management applications. Even for advanced content management applications, Daisy can be used and configured without any Java-coding skills: Daisy offers a Javascript/Cocoon-based extension framework.
    17 years ago by @gresch

    It is a content management system inspired by Ward Cunningham's Wiki idea. Whereas most wiki implementations (and there are hundreds) use a textarea in a web page for editing, with a command language for formatting, Cozmos uses a full installed 'Thick' application for editing and pushes back the pages using an extended web technology called WebDAV. Like Wikis, Cozmos separates content from presentation/style. Unlike Wikis the actual language of the content is HTML which is the language of the web itself.
    18 years ago by @gresch
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