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    openpub - Project Hosting on Google Code. an application of the Atom Syndication Format intended to enable content creators and distributors to distribute digital books via a simple catalog format. The mechanism through which compatible Reading Systems access the distributed catalog has three components: eBook content, XML catalog metadata, and an HTTP transport for the catalog. OPDS-compatible Reading Systems must support IDPF EPUB, and may optionally support additional formats.
    12 years ago by @jaj

    Book download library has indexed the Project Gutenberg catalog of downloadable ebooks with conceptual tag clouds. The index contains free books in several formats that you can read on many eBook readers and phones like the Kindle and iPhone. Our index lets you to browse book titles, authors, and subjects by word. Simply click on any word in our title index and you'll see books that contain that word in the title. In addition, you'll get a tag cloud that shows you other words used in context with your selected word. Weight is given to words that are related to the same concept as your search word so you can easily find the book you want to download. Our author list is catalogued by both first and last name. So if all you know is the last name of an author you can search for it and see a tag cloud with first names of authors matching your search. You can also browse books by subject with our subject catalog. Click on any subject tag to see the subjects and books matching the tag.
    12 years ago by @jaj
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