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    OpenCongress brings together official government data with news coverage, blog posts, public comments, and more to give you the real story behind what's happening in Congress. OpenCongress is a free, open-source, not-for-profit, and non-partisan web resource with a mission to make Congress more transparent and to encourage civic engagement. OpenCongress is a joint project of the Participatory Politics Foundation and the Sunlight Foundation.
    12 years ago by @jaj

    Capitol Hill Reports are time saving resources for any private or governmental organization following legislative developments on Capitol Hill, giving you only the most relevant and up-to-date information via concise and nonpartisan reports. With decades of legislative tracking and journalistic experience behind each report, we provide tailored updates on legislation that matter most to trade associations, law firms, and companies.
    12 years ago by @jaj

    GovTrackInsider.​com com­ple­ments GovTrack.​us with orig­i­nal and syn­di­cat­ed re­port­ing on what Congress is doing now, what is on its agen­da, and what it all means. We've hired a small team of paid free­lance re­porters to cover con­gres­sion­al com­mit­tee meet­ings. We'll also be in­clud­ing syn­di­cat­ed cov­er­age of Congress from the Open­Congress blog, and other sources. In­sid­er is an on­line news­pa­per, but one with some un­usu­al pages. For ar­ti­cles on many top­ics you'll find on the right side a topic dash­board. There you can con­nect with other read­ers in a va­ri­ety of ways.
    12 years ago by @jaj
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