Basically there are 4 steps:
Rename old table
Create new table
with partitioning
Add constraint on old table for it's proposed partition ranges
Attach old table as a partition to new partition table
Sounds easy right?
What about indexes? What about Triggers?
And guess what, there are other traps to watch out for!
-- Add the check constraint
alter table public.test_partition_10_25 add constraint test_partition_10_25_constraint CHECK (id >= 10 AND id <25) NOT VALID;
update pg_constraint pgc
SET convalidated = true
FROM pg_class c
c.oid = pgc.conrelid
AND connamespace = 'public'::regnamespace::oid
AND c.relname = 'test_partition_10_25'
AND conname = 'test_partition_10_25_constraint';
pgloader will keep a separate file of rejected data, but continue trying to copy good data in your database.
pgloader also implements data reformatting, a typical example of that being the transformation of MySQL datestamps 0000-00-00 and 0000-00-00 00:00:00 to PostgreSQL NULL value
public interface PostRepository extends BaseJpaRepository<Post, Long> {
select p
from Post p
where date(p.createdOn) >= :sinceDate
@QueryHint(name = AvailableHints.HINT_FETCH_SIZE, value = "25")
Stream<Post> streamByCreatedOnSince(@Param("sinceDate") LocalDate sinceDate);
The FETCH_SIZE JPA query hint is necessary for PostgreSQL and MySQL to instruct the JDBC Driver to prefetch at most 25 records. Otherwise, the PostgreSQL and MySQL JDBC Drivers would prefetch all the query results prior to traversing the underlying ResultSet.
Postgres allows:
UPDATE dummy
SET customer=subquery.customer,
FROM (SELECT address_id, customer, address, partn
FROM /* big hairy SQL */ ...) AS subquery
WHERE dummy.address_id=subquery.address_id;
This syntax is not standard SQL
Currently adding a column to a table with a non-NULL default results in
a rewrite of the table. For large tables this can be both expensive and
disruptive. This patch removes the need for the rewrite as long as the
default value is not volatile. The default expression is evaluated at
the time of the ALTER TABLE and the result stored in a new column
(attmissingval) in pg_attribute, and a new column (atthasmissing) is set
to true. Any existing row when fetched will be supplied with the
attmissingval. New rows will have the supplied value or the default and
so will never need the attmissingval.
book_id serial NOT NULL,
data jsonb
INSERT INTO books VALUES (1, '{"title": "Sleeping Beauties", "genres": ["Fiction", "Thriller", "Horror"], "published": false}');
SELECT data->'title' AS title FROM books WHERE data->'published' = 'false';
CREATE INDEX idx_published ON books ((data->'published'));
select * from tbl TABLESAMPLE system (5)
The SYSTEM method is significantly faster than the BERNOULLI method when small sampling percentages are specified, but it may return a less-random sample of the table as a result of clustering effects.