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    , , and . Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 7 (2): 93-108 (December 2000)SI: Special Issue: Recent research on the Assesment of Basic Learning Abilities Test.; MT: Electronic; Print; FO: Print; PO: Human; AG: Adulthood (18-yrs-and-older); LO: Canada; MD: Empirical-Study; CRN: Number of References: 10; Displayed: 10.; REF: Azrin, N. (1977). A strategy for applied research: Learning-based but outcome oriented. American Psychologist, 2, 140-149. DeWiele, L. A., & Martin, G. L. (1996). Can the ABLA test help staff match training tasks to the abilities of developmentally disabled trainees? International Journal of Practical Approaches to Developmental Disability, 20, 7-11. DeWiele, L. A., & Martin, G. L. (1998). The Kerr-Meyerson Assessment of Basic Learning Abilities: A self-instructional manual. Unpublished manual available from G. Martin, Psychology Department, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB Canada R3T 2M6. Jahr, E. (1998). Current issues in staff training. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 19, 73-87. doi:10.1016/S0891-4222(97)00030-9 Kerr, N., Meyerson, L., & Flora, J. (1977). The measurement of motor, visual, and auditory discrimination skills in mentally retarded children and adults and in young normal children. Rehabilitation Psychology, 24 (Monograph issue), 87-206. Martin, G. L., & Yu, D. (2000). Overview of Research on the Assessment of Basic Learning Abilities Test. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 7, 10-36. Pallotta-Cornick, M. A., & Martin, G. L. (1983). Evaluation of a staff manual for improving work performance of retarded clients in sheltered workshops. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 6, 43-54. Stubbings, V., & Martin, G. L. (1995). The ABLA test for predicting performance of developmentally disabled persons on prevocational training tasks. International Journal of Practical Approaches to Disability, 19 (1), 12-17. Wolko, K. L., Hrycaiko, D. W., & Martin, G. L. (1993). A comparison of two self-management packages to standard coaching for improving practice performance of gymnasts. Behavior Modification, 17, 209-223. Yu, D., Martin, G., Hardy, L., Leader, C., & Quinn, G. (1985). Developing a behavioural assessment system for the mentally handicapped: A behavioural approach. Canadian Journal for Exceptional Children, 1, 117-123..
    18 years ago by @quinn
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