
Libraries are sustainability leaders

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How public libraries build sustainable communities in the 21st century. (Advances in librarianship, Vol. 53), Emerald Publishing, United Kingdom, Academic libraries; Climate action; Climate job; Climate justice; Public libraries; Sustainability; Triple Bottom Line; UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.(2023)


The library profession must embrace the idea that every job is a climate job, and confront the realities of the wider world through a lens of climate justice, as they prioritize relevant and responsive services and programs. The broad issue of sustainability has permeated the core of library services and is transforming the foundation upon which public libraries build their ideals. By viewing every job as a climate job, libraries and library workers are true sustainability leaders. The triple bottom line (TBL) framework leads libraries into the realm of sustainable thinking, allowing what once felt overwhelming and unattainable to turn into something powerful and dynamic because of collective impact and the recognition that: local matters, working together matters, focusing on diversity matters, and helping all voices be heard matters. Libraries matter because we continue to work together toward meaningful change.



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