
Classifications of selection migration structures and conditions for a protected polymorphism

Evolutionary biology, (1982)


The idea that levels and forms of genetic variability can be related to temporal and spatial patterns of environmental heterogeneity is a widely promulgated theme in evolutionary biology. Recent reviews per- taining to genetic polymorphisms under conditions of variable selection and migration are given by Hedrick et at (1976) and Felsenstein (1976) , which include numerous references to experimental. field, and theoretical studies. ies. Three classes of migration patterns have been predominantly studied in theoretical population genetics: a. The island model (Wright, 1943) consists of an array of islands exchanging genes uniformly. Equivalently, the island model involves N "equidistant" islands thai share a common migrant pool drawn equally from all demes. The Levene population subdivision structure (1953) is a direct gen· eralization of Wright's model that allows for variable deme (island) sizes. Deakin (1966) introduced a homing or sessile tendency so that some individuals would remain in their deme of birth rather than enter the migrant pool. He assumed that a fixed proportion of the population is sessile while the remainder of the population acts according to the Levene model. b. The stepping-stone model and. more generaJly. isolation-by-dis- lance migration patterns assume that the rates of migration between demes depend on the distances between them. Isolation by distance based on a o ne, two, or even higher dimensional layout (strata defined by phys- ical position, social or behavioral characteristics) of the population has been investigated by Maleeo! (1948, 195 1. 1959, 1967), Jain and Bradshaw (1966), Kimura and Weiss (1964) , Maruyama (1970), among others. This class of models generall y involves no differential selection within or be- tween locaJities. In the context of environmental selection gradients. some cline stepping-stone models have been extensively investigated (e.g., Slat- kin , 1973; Nagylaki, 1974. 1975, 1976b, 1978, 1979; Nagylaki and Lucier, 1980; F leming, 1975; Karlin and Richter-Dyn, 1976). c. Migration matrix models are designed to deal with general migra- tion patterns (e.g., Malecot, 195 1, 1959; Bodmer and Cavalli-Sforza. 1968; Carmelli and Cavalli-Sforza. 1976; Smith , 1969). Most authors have lim- ited their attention to linear pressures. i.e ., mutation andlor migration from an external fixed population, but having no mating or natural se- lection differences operating. In both classes of migration structures (b) and (c), computations have been mainly directed to evaluating the correlation of gene freque ncies over space and the changes of these with time. T his work is part of a continuing series of theoretical studies that seek to understand the effects of different types of spatially and temporally varying selection regimes coupled with migration patterns on the exist- ence and nature of polymorphism (Karlin, 1976. 1977a, b ; Karlin and Richter-Dyn, 1976; Karlin and Campbell . 1978. 1979, 1980). In this chapter we establish the conditions for the existence of a protected polymorphism (protection means that none of the alleles become extinct even when initiall y rare) for a hierarchy of migration patterns. These results will permit qualitative comparisons of the influence of different structures of migration exc hange in contributing to the maintenance of polymorph isms. In this review we describe a series of hybrid migration structures composed from canonical, e.g .• Levene. Deakin . stepping-stone. circu- lant migration patterns that entail one or several clusters of demes. Deme clusters can reflect the background terrain. geographical relationships , geological. climatic. or other ecological and environmental factors. and also behavioral, social, or exogenous genetic-environmental character- istics . Moreover. by introducing suitable fict itious deme arrays we can simulate the effects of seasonal variation in selection by a spatial selection gradient. T he seasons often induce cyclic variation. Some of the models are partly motivated by observations from insect populations that divide into demes or groups of demes , depending on the spacing of the plants on which they feed. Natural groupings of demes can also be associated with arrays of islands, an archipelago. tributaries of a river, inlets along a coast. a range of hills, spacing of flora. or moun- tain-valley-canyon topography. The partitioning of demes into clusters often distinguishes local pop- ulation interactions against far movements. For example, with respect to plant dispersal we can contrast t he nearby seed droppings with the long migrations mediated by vectors (insects, mammals). A three-tiered clustering of some human populations may arise from the family-tribe, nation, and race structures. Other criteria for groupings may relate to social economic status, life-styles, religion and customs. and educational levels . Conditions for clustering may be based on aspects ofthe environment such as degree and kind of salinity. food availability . moistness, exposure, etc. T he modeling of migration should reflect various levels of clustering and associated with the clustering is a related pattern of selection. We will investigate typically the following questions: To what extent is the maintenance of polymorphism facilitated by the nature of hierar- chical determinations of deme clustering? What are the consequences associated with asymmetries in population exchanges? What are the rel- ative influences of migration rates between and within clusters of demes? Also, how do we compare spatial versus temporal variations in selection and migration parameters? The text is arranged as follow s. The migration patterns on which we focu s are described in Sections 2-4. In Section 2 we review the formu- lation of the Levene and Deakin migration models and their extensions that allow variable (habitat-dependent) rates of homing, several stages of migration in each life cycle, and different characteristic deme sizes. The nature of c1inal flow , i.e., migration exchanges per generation limited to neighboring demes whose rates can vary with respect to positions andlor differ in reciprocal directions. is described. A number of relevant circulant migration patterns are set forth. A final class of basic migration forms involving d irectional migration via a distinguished (major) deme dispers- ing to or receiving from "subordinate" demes is detailed. The process of delayed germination in plant species with seed pools can be modeled by such a migration scheme. Sections 3 and 4 delineate more-complex migration structures encompassing clusters of several demes each. A population is assumed to naturally divide into clusters with each cluster consisting of a number of demes where the migration contrasts refer to intra- and interdeme cluster movements. For example. a "slar" migration form is developed where demes along each ray communicate only through a central deme. The combined effects accruing from temporal and spatial variation can be studied expeditiously by regarding the aggregate population as consisting of a multicluster deme formation. Other relevant hybrid migration struc- tures, such as Kronecker products and generalized circulant migration systems, are also elaborated. For all these cases we ascertain the con- ditions for a protected polymorphism and discern their dependence on the model parameters. The analytic apparatus used in ascertaining protection for the general multideme migration-selection model is reviewed at the close of Section 1. Sections 7-10 present conditions for a protected polymorphism ap- propriate for the models of Sections 2-4. It is of interest to contrast migration structures as to their degrees of mixing and isolation. Two such notions were introduced in Karlin (1976). Several additional concepts and their analyses are set forth in Section 5. A number of means of comparing selection heterogeneity are introduced and some robust results interpreted in Section 6. Specifically, we address the issue of the relationship between spatial or temporal se. lection " heterogeneity " and the existence of a protected polymorphism. In Section II we compare the opportunities for protection with mi. gration once per season versus once per generation for a multideme pop. ulation subject to seasonal selection variation. The conditions for pro· tection in a multideme seed pool process are delineated in Section 13. A number of relations of deme size distributions and allele protection are de veloped in Section 14. Some models of mUltiple migration stages per generation are investigated in Section 15. We set forth in Section 16 a number of result s pertaining to the existence of protection attendant to the addition or deletion of demes. In this vein. we examine the effects with respect to protection of the unification or the separation of different parts ofa population range. It is also of interest to ascertain the similarities and contrasts in the equilibrium gene frequency patterns that accrue from an enlarged neutral zone where in other respects the selection migration structure is unchanged. The discussion of Section 17 summarizes in qualitative terms some of the implications and contrasts of the quantitative results of the previous sections. Mathematical proofs and analyses are relegated to Appendices A-F. The reader not concerned with the technical developments hence- forth may best concentrate on Sections 1-4 to understand the spirit of the formulations and motivations on the various migration structures, and then skip to Section 17 for the qualitative summary and discussion of the results.



  • @peter.ralph

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