
CME Theory and Models

, , , , , , , , , , , , , and .
Space Science Reviews, 123 (1): 251--302 (March 2006)


Abstract  This chapter provides an overview of current efforts in the theory and modeling of CMEs. Five key areas are discussed: (1) CME initiation; (2) CME evolution and propagation; (3) the structure of interplanetary CMEs derived from flux rope modeling;(4) CME shock formation in the inner corona; and (5) particle acceleration and transport at CME driven shocks. In the sectionon CME initiation three contemporary models are highlighted. Two of these focus on how energy stored in the coronal magneticfield can be released violently to drive CMEs. The third model assumes that CMEs can be directly driven by currents from belowthe photosphere. CMEs evolve considerably as they expand from the magnetically dominated lower corona into the advectivelydominated solar wind. The section on evolution and propagation presents two approaches to the problem. One is primarily analyticaland focuses on the key physical processes involved. The other is primarily numerical and illustrates the complexity of possibleinteractions between the CME and the ambient medium. The section on flux rope fitting reviews the accuracy and reliabilityof various methods. The section on shock formation considers the effect of the rapid decrease in the magnetic field and plasmadensity with height. Finally, in the section on particle acceleration and transport, some recent developments in the theoryof diffusive particle acceleration at CME shocks are discussed. These include efforts to combine self-consistently the processof particle acceleration in the vicinity of the shock with the subsequent escape and transport of particles to distant regions.



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