
The kinetics of migration of point defects to dislocations

, and .
Reports on Progress in Physics, 33 (1): 101 (1970)


In this review we discuss the various ways in which dislocations interact with and provide sites for the segregation of point defects. Since there is, in general, a long-range interaction between a point defect and a dislocation, the kinetics of the migration of the point defects to the dislocations will depend on the form and magnitude of this interaction. The origin of the interaction and the various spatial forms it can take are therefore discussed in some detail and related to the resulting kinetics. The early stages of this segregation process can be explained and the kinetics satisfactorily correlated with experimental observations without a detailed discussion of the physical situation prevailing at the dislocation cores. However, in the later stages of the segregation process the observed kinetics very often show a strong departure from simple first order and, in this case, an explanation requires a discussion of the detailed point-defect behaviour within the dislocation core region. Various physically plausible dislocation core situations are discussed and related, where possible, to pertinent experimental observations.




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