
Extra-articular subtalar arthrodesis. A long-term follow-up in patients with cerebral palsy.

, , , and .
J Bone Joint Surg Br, 86 (5): 737--742 (July 2004)


Of 23 children (35 feet) with cerebral palsy who had undergone a Grice extra-articular subtalar arthrodesis for a valgus hindfoot between 1976 and 1981, we reviewed 17 (26 feet), at a mean of 20 years (17 years 3 months to 22 years 4 months) after operation. Seven were quadriplegic, eight spastic diplegic, and two hemiplegic. They were all able to walk at the time of operation. Thirteen patients (20 feet) were pleased with the Grice procedure, 13 had no pain and 15 (23 feet) were still able to walk. The clinical results were satisfactory for most feet. Radiography showed that the results had been maintained over time but 14 feet developed a mean ankle valgus of 11 degrees (6 to 18) with a compensatory hindfoot varus in 12 feet. No deformity of the talus or arthritis of adjacent joints was noted. The Grice procedure gives good long-term results in children with cerebral palsy.



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