
LERU Roadmap for Research Data



This Roadmap looks at the challenges posed by research data in seven chapters, which concentrate on issues such as policy, leadership, research data infrastructure, costs, advocacy, description and legal issues, skills, roles and responsibilities. Through selected case studies and examples from LERU Universities, it is possible to see how individual LERU members are tackling these challenging issues. The resulting Roadmap, like its predecessor on Open Access to research publications, presents a series of blueprints which LERU members, indeed any European university, could use to begin to tackle the challenges which research data poses. It also has a series of messages for researchers, research institutions, support services and policymakers. PDF-Datei unter http://www.leru.org/files/publications/AP14_LERU_Roadmap_for_Research_data_final.pdf



  • @voss

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