
Advanced Determinant Calculus: a Complement

Linear Algebra and its Applications, (2005)Special Issue on Determinants and the Legacy of Sir Thomas Muir.
DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2005.06.042


This is a complement to my previous article “Advanced Determinant Calculus” C. Krattenthaler, Advanced determinant calculus, Séminaire Lotharingien Combin. 42 (1999) (“The Andrews Festschrift”), Article B42q, 67 pp.. In the present article, I share with the reader my experience of applying the methods described in the previous article in order to solve a particular problem from number theory G. Almkvist, C. Krattenthaler, J. Petersson, Some new formulas for π, Experiment. Math. 12 (2003) 441–456. Moreover, I add a list of determinant evaluations which I consider as interesting, which have been found since the appearance of the previous article, or which I failed to mention there, including several conjectures and open problems.



  • @ytyoun

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