
Measured \HTTP\ performance and fun factors

Teletraffic Engineering in the Internet EraProceedings of the International Teletraffic Congress - ITC-I7, volume 4 of Teletraffic Science and Engineering, Elsevier, (2001)


Recent work has emphasized the importance of delay and rate components in the user perceived performance of elastic Internet applications, especially Web browsing. “Fun factors” have been previously introduced 1 to describe the obtained performance with respect to the maximum possible performance on a scale of zero (no fun) to one (maximum fun). In this paper, several options for defining such fun factors using delay and rate components are presented. In order to better understand the influence of delays and transmission rates, two extensive traffic traces have been evaluated (i) to yield information about the way browsers use persistent and parallel HTTP/TCP connections to access Web servers and (ii) to serve as an example for quantifying quality of service by fun factors.



  • @itc

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