
Global, Composite Runoff Fields Based on Observed River Discharge and Simulated Water Balances

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22. Global Runoff Data Centre, Koblenz, (1999)


The present report demonstrates the potential of combining observed river discharge information with climate-driven Water Balance Model in order to develop composite runoff fields which are consistent with observed discharges. Such combined runoff fields preserve the accuracy of the discharge measurements and simultaneously the spatial and temporal distribution of simulated runoff, thereby providing the “best estimate” of terrestrial runoff over large domains. The method applied in this study utilize a gridded river network at 30-minute spatial resolution to represent the riverine flow pathways and to link the continental land mass to river channels. Selected gauging stations from the Global runoff Data Centre data archive were co-registered to a simulated topological network (STN-30p) developed at University of New Hampshire. Inter-station regions between gauging stations along STN-30p network were identified. Inter-station discharge and runoff were calculated to compare observed runoff with outputs from water balance model (WBM) simulation. Correction coefficients based on the ratio of observed and simulated runoff for inter-station areas were calculated and applied against simulated runoff to create composite runoff fields. The resulting composite runoff fields (UNH-GRDC Composite runoff Fields V1.0) are released along with the present report to the scientific community. Besides the final product, intermediate data sets, such as station attributes and long-term monthly regimes of the selected gauging stations, the simulated topological network (STN 30p), STN-30p derived attributes for the selected stations and gridded fields of the inter-station regions along STN-30p are also released. The present study also demonstrates some applications of the composite runoff fields. Besides calculating regional statistics of the continental runoff distribution, the study assessed the monitored portion of the continental land mass and discharge. A potential approach in using the composite runoff fields to develop corrected precipitation fields is also presented.



  • @b5anvo

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