
The Field Descent Method

, and .
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 36 (2): 171--188 (2005)
DOI: 10.1007/s10623-004-1703-7


We obtain a broadly applicable decomposition of group ring elements into a ``subfield part'' and a ``kernel part''. Applications include the verification of Lander's conjecture for all difference sets whose order is a power of a prime >3 and for all McFarland, Spence and Chen/Davis/Jedwab difference sets. We obtain a new general exponent bound for difference sets. We show that there is no circulant Hadamard matrix of order v with 4<v<548, 964, 900 and no Barker sequence of length l with 13 < l ≤ 1022.



  • @ytyoun

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