
An Exact Operator That Knows Its Location

, , , , and .
(Oct 19, 2017)


We use conformal symmetry to define an AdS\$\_3\$ proto-field \$\phi\$ as an exact linear combination of Virasoro descendants of a CFT\$\_2\$ primary operator \$O\$. We find that both symmetry considerations and a gravitational Wilson line formalism lead to the same results. The operator \$\phi\$ has many desirable properties; in particular it has correlators that agree with gravitational perturbation theory when expanded at large \$c\$, and that automatically take the correct form in all vacuum AdS\$\_3\$ geometries, including BTZ black hole backgrounds. In the future it should be possible to use \$\phi\$ to probe bulk locality and black hole horizons at a non-perturbative level.



  • @acastro

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