
Conversion points and traveltimes of converted waves in parallel dipping layers

, and .
Geophysical Prospecting, 39 (3): 387--405 (April 1991)
DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2478.1991.tb00318.x


For converted waves, stacking as well as AVO analysis requires a true common reflection point gather which, in this case, is also a common conversion point (CCP) gather. The coordinates of the conversion points for PS or SP waves, in a single homogeneous layer can be calculated exactly as a function of the offset, the reflector depth and the ratio vp/vs. An approximation of the conversion point on a dipping interface as well as for a stack of parallel dipping layers is given. Numerical tests show that the approximation can be used for offsets smaller than the depth of the reflector under consideration.The traveltime of converted waves in horizontal layers can be expanded into a power series. For small offsets a two-term truncation of the series yields a good approximation. This approximation can also be used in the case of dipping reflectors if a correction is applied to the traveltimes. This correction can be calculated from the approximated conversion point coordinates.



  • @nilsma

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