
Nearest-Neighbour Systems and the Auto-Logistic Model for Binary Data

Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological), 34 (1): pp. 75-83 (1972)


Bartlett (1966) and Whittle (1963), respectively, have proposed alternative, non-equivalent definitions of nearest-neighbour systems. The former, conditional probability definition, whilst the more intuitively attractive, presents several basic problems, not least in the identification of available models. In this paper, conditional probability nearest-neighbour systems for interacting random variables on a two-dimensional rectangular lattice are examined. It is shown that, in the case of 0, 1 variables and a homogeneous system, the only possibility is a logistic-type model but in which the explanatory variables at a point are the surrounding array variables themselves. A spatial-temporal approach leading to the same model is also suggested. The final section deals with linear nearest-neighbour systems, especially for continuous variables. The results of the paper may easily be extended to three or more dimensions.


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