
In 38 patients with spastic cerebral palsy, treatment was carried out for talipes equinovarus. There were 12 children with spastic hemiplegia, while 24 had diplegia or tetraplegia. Surgery was done with the goal of achieving plantigrade and muscle-balanced feet. In 24 feet of 19 children tibialis anterior transfer was performed, while tibialis posterior transfer was done in 20 feet of 19 patients. Without exception, additional surgery was performed on the triceps surae (30 x ATLs and 16 Vulpius operations); medial arthrolysis was also necessary in 6 cases. The clinical results were assessed by the senior author in the weekly neuro-orthopedic clinic an average of 3.2 years after surgery. An additional questionnaire was sent to all patients' families asking for their subjective assessment of the surgery performed. Figures were collected for 30 patients with 38 treated feet. The results were evaluated according to Kling's criteria. We saw good and very good results in 75\% of the patients (4 feet very good, 23 feet good), while 25\% of the patients (9 feet in 7 patients) showed poor results with over-corrections and calcaneo-valgus foot as the main problem. The best results were seen in spastic hemiplegia and the poorest in patients with severe tetraplegia and total body involvement.

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