Beliebiger Eintrag,

Probing the large and massive CGM of a galaxy at z ~ 0.2 using a pair of quasars

(2014)cite arxiv:1401.3340Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables (ApJ accepted).


We present analysis of two O VI absorbers at redshift z_abs = 0.227, detected in the spectra of two closely spaced QSO sightlines (Q 0107-025 A and B), observed with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). At the same redshift, presence of a single bright (~ 1.2 L*) galaxy at an impact parameter of ~ 200 kpc (proper) from both the sightlines was reported by Crighton et al. (2010). Using detailed photoionization models we show that the high ionization phases of both the O VI absorbers have similar ionization conditions (e.g. log U ~ -1.1 to -0.9), chemical enrichment (e.g. log Z ~ -1.4 to -1.0), total hydrogen column density (e.g. log N_H (cm^-2) ~ 19.6-19.7) and line of sight thickness (e.g. l_los ~ 600-800 kpc). Therefore we speculate that the O VI absorbers are tracing different parts of same large scale structure, presumably the circumgalactic medium (CGM) of the identified galaxy. Using sizes along and transverse to the line of sight, we estimate the size of the CGM to be R ~ 330 kpc. The baryonic mass associated with this large CGM as traced by O VI absorption is ~ 1.2x10^11 M_sun. A low ionization phase is detected in one of the O VI systems with near solar metallicity (log Z = 0.20\pm0.20) and parsec scale size (l_los ~ 6 pc), possibly tracing the neutral phase of a high velocity cloud (HVC) embedded within the CGM.



  • @miki

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