
Free/Libre/Open-Source Software in wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken in Deutschland. Eine explorative Studie in Form einer Triangulation qualitativer und quantitativer Methoden.



Background: Free/Libre/Open-Source Software (FLOSS) is a basic part of our daily digital life. Also in libraries there is a growing number of FLOSS used for different processes. For german scientific libraries there is a deficit in research in this subject, neither in journals nor in specialized books. This study aims to approach this subject. Methods: In the first part of this Study there was fundamental research about the topic and an analysis of the literature to get the current state of resarch. Then, in the mixedmethods part, Interviews with experts from libraries were kept and the outcomes from the interviews were presented to other experts from libraries. At the end there was a triangulation of the qualitative and the quantitative part. Outcomes: The study showed that FLOSS is used by libraries in growing numbers. Core Area is the search engine technology. The study also shows that there might be a deficit in cooperation between the libraries, allthough the management has recognized the strategical concept of FLOSS and FLOSS-Ecosystems. Commitment of FLOSS is a challenge for different reasons. The study gives an overview about FLOSS in german scientific libraries. Keywords: Open Source Software, Free Software, Library, qualitative research, quantitative research, Triangulation



  • @wdees

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