
The Interplay of Analogy-Making with Active Vision and Motor Control in Anticipatory Robots

, , , , and .
Anticipatory Behavior in Adaptive Learning Systems: From Brains to Individual and Social Behavior, Springer-Verlag, (2007)


This chapter outlines an approach to building robots with anticipatory behaviour based on analogies with past episodes. Anticipatory mechanisms are used to make predictions about the environment and to control selective attention and top-down perception. An integrated architecture is presented that perceives the environment, reasons about it, makes predictions and acts physically in this environment. The architecture is implemented in an AIBO robot. It successfully finds an object in a house like environment. The AMBR model of analogy-making is used as a basis, but it is extended with new mechanisms for anticipation related to analogical transfer, for top down perception and selective attention. The bottom up visual processing is performed by the IKAROS system for brain modelling. The chapter describes the first experiments performed with the AIBO robot and demonstrates the usefulness of the analogy-based anticipation approach.



  • @butz

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