
Keep it simple and green -- Bibliotheken im Zeichen der Nachhaltigkeit

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(2021)Blog; Libraries; Sustainability.


Der von uns erstellte Blog „Keep it Simple and Green – Bibliotheken im Zeichen der Nachhaltigkeit“, ist im Rahmen unseres Marketingprojektes 2021 entstanden. Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltschutz sind Themen, die eine immer größer werdende Rolle in den Bereichen Gesellschaft, Politik und Bildung spielen. Unser Blog soll erste Ideen und Kenntnisse zur Einbringung von Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltschutz in den Bibliotheksalltag aufzeigen. The blog we created, "Keep it Simple and Green - Libraries in the Sign of Sustainability", was created as part of our 2021 marketing project. Sustainability and environmental protection are topics that play an increasingly important role in society, politics and education. Our blog is intended to provide initial ideas and knowledge on how to incorporate sustainability and environmental protection into everyday library work. In doing so, we want to inform library staff and users about how libraries can transform themselves sustainably with just a few changes and thus improve their image in the long term. The blog also offers advice and suggestions on a wide range of topics such as plastic conservation, waste management and energy consumption. It also highlights new sustainable options and provides an impetus for resource-saving and environmentally friendly action. We also looked at ways to raise awareness among employees and users about sustainability.



  • @bibgreen

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