
Wadi Shaw - Wadi Sahal. Studien zur holozänen Besiedlung der Laqiya-Region (Nordsudan)

. Africa Praehistorica Heinrich-Barth-Institut, Cologne, (2006)


This book describes archaeological finds from a small depression in the Wadi Shaw. Apart from a few individual finds, artefacts from two small excavation areas are presented. Site 82/ 82-1 is a largely reconstructable vessel. Judging by the characteristic surface colours (black rim, red, polished wall), the surface treatment (rippled ware) and the decoration (small incisions on the rim lip), it is a vessel typical of the A-group of the Nile Valley. Simple incised and notched decoration is also present on the few pottery sherds from 82 / 82-2. Microlithic drills (mèches de fone^t) dominate the stone material from this excavation. The ostrich egg and quartz beads are of interest in this context. Compositions made it possible to take a closer look at the decomposition of stone artefacts. This site is dated to the 5th millennium BC by 14C data. The individually measured pottery from two other sites at 82 / 82 also shows incised decoration on the edges and is therefore probably very close in date to the sherds from 82 / 82-2. Sherds from 82 / 82-5 are decorated with a herringbone pattern. Comparisons with other sites in Gilf Kebir (Egypt), Wadi Shaw, Wadi Sahal and Wadi Howar suggest a probable date in the 4th millennium BC.

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