
A Family of new measures of point and graph centrality based on early intuitions of Bavelas (1948) is introduced. These measures define centrality in terms of the degree to which a point falls on the shortest path between others and therefore has a potential for control of communication. They may be used to index centrality in any large or small network of symmetrical relations, whether connected or unconnected.

Линки и ресурсы



  • @steff83
  • @nonancourt
  • @cameron
  • @karthikraman
  • @folke
  • @davids
  • @lantiq
  • @muehlburger
  • @wvdaalst
  • @tfalk
  • @mbockholt
  • @sdo
  • @cbrewster
  • @snarc
@sdo- тэги данного пользователя выделены