
Folksonomies and Tagging: New developments in social bookmarking

. Proceedings of Ark Group Conference: Developing and Improving Classification Schemes, 2007, Sydney, Sydney, Ark Group, (June 2007)


This paper describes a proof of concept to develop community contributions to managing information and resources, using Taxonomy-Directed Folksonomy. An established taxonomy from the Australian education sector suggests terms for tagging and users can suggest terms. Importantly, the folksonomy will feed back into the taxonomy showing gaps in coverage and helping us to monitor new terms and usage to improve and develop our formal taxonomies. This model would initially sit alongside the current edna repositories, tools and services but will give us valuable user contributed resources as well as information about how users manage resources. Observing terms suggested, chosen and used in folksonomies is a rich source of information for developing our formal systems so that we can indeed get the best of both worlds.

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  • @ewomant
  • @kkecman
  • @haschek
  • @gbilincic
  • @mateamurgic
  • @smetic
@ewomant's tags highlighted