
Covariant variational approach to Yang-Mills Theory: Thermodynamics

, and . (2017)cite arxiv:1705.05157Comment: 24 pages, 15 pdf figures, pdflatex.


The thermodynamics of $SU(2)$ Yang-Mills theory in the covariant variational approach is studied by relating the free action density in the background of a non-trivial Polyakov loop to the pressure of the gluon plasma. Subtleties in this identification due to the presence of massless gauge modes are discussed in detail, and the correct subtraction of the vacuum contribution in the pressure is argued for. The Poisson resummed expression for the pressure can be evaluated analytically in limiting cases, and shows both a smooth limit at $T 0$ and the correct Stefan-Boltzmann limit at $T ınfty$. Using the numerical $T=0$ solutions for the ghost and gluon propagators in the covariant variational approach as input, the pressure, energy density and interaction strength are calculated and compared to lattice data.


Covariant variational approach to Yang-Mills Theory: Thermodynamics

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