
Pretty good state transfer of entangled states through quantum spin chains

, and . (2014)cite arxiv:1405.1296.


The XX model with uniform couplings represents the most natural choice for quantum state transfer through spin chains. Given that it has long been established that single qubit states cannot be transferred with perfect fidelity in this model, the notion of pretty good state transfer has been recently introduced as a relaxation of the constraints on fidelity, and it was shown that single particle states can be transmitted with fidelities arbitrarily close to 1 in homogeneous chains of length $n=p-1, 2p-1$, where $p$ is prime, or $n=2^k-1$. This paper extends the work of Godsil et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 050502 (2012) to the case of multi-qubit states: we prove that homogeneous chains of such lengths have the property of pretty good state transfer of any simple or composite state. Our result opens way to using uniformly coupled spin chains as quantum channels for the transfer of arbitrary states of any dimension.


Pretty good state transfer of entangled states through quantum spin chains

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