
1H nuclear magnetic resonance experiments have shown that the amide hydrogens of residues 30 to 40 of bacteriophage Pf1 coat protein in micelles undergo very slow exchange with solvent deuterons. The amide 1H resonances from these residues were used to monitor the structural stability of the membrane-spanning helix of the coat protein during the transition of the coat protein from its structural form, in the virus particle, to the membrane-bound form, in micelles. The helix was found to remain folded on the 10(-3) second time-scale of the experiment, which indicates that no major disruption or rearrangement of the central part of the protein structure occurs during the process of coat protein solubilization by detergent. The results also suggest that a helical peptide can associate with lipids without reorganization of its secondary structure. However, a general model for the insertion of proteins into membranes cannot be established from these results, because the mechanism of the detergent solubilization process may differ somewhat from that of the membrane insertion process.

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