
Teacher Continuous Professional Development and fulllifecycle Learning Design: first reflections

, , , and . Proceedings of the workshop “Design for Learning in Practice”, EC-TEL, Toledo, Sept. 18, 2015, (2015)


Effective Continuous Professional Development (CPD) strategies are needed for fostering the adoption of Learning Design (LD) practices, with the ultimate goal of improving teaching quality. This paper presents a CPD approach based on a novel LD platform (ILDE, Integrated Learning Design Environment). The ILDE guides teachers along a full-lifecycle LD process and incorporates social features that facilitate team co-design, as well as easy interactions among trainees and facilitators in CPD actions. The paper summarizes some first reflections after the evaluation of a set of ILDE-supported CPD actions with teachers from Adult Education and Higher Education. Such reflections provide clues on how to design LD training workshops, and on the need for close monitoring of initial attempts to enact learning designs with students.

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