
A variational method is developed to find approximate solutions to the Grad-Shafranov equation. The surfaces of the constant poloidal magnetic flux $\psi(R, Z)$ are obtained by solving a few ordinary differential equations, which are moments of the Grad-Shafranov equation, for the Fourier amplitudes of the inverse mapping $R(\psi,\vartheta)$ and $Z(\psi,\vartheta)$. Analytic properties and solutions of the moment equations are considered. Specific calculations using the Impurity Study Experiment (ISX-B) and the Engineering Test Facility (ETF)/International Tokamak Reactor (INTOR) geometries are performed numerically, and the results agree well with those calculated using standard two-dimensional equilibrium codes. The main advantage of the variational moment method is that it significantly reduces the computational time required to determine two-dimensional equilibria without sacrificing accuracy.


Finds the map from flux coordinates by solving moments of the GS equation, providing the basis for the VMEC code.

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