
Defect energies and spin stiffness for continuous spin glasses

. Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


Considerable advances have been made in recent years in the understanding of Ising spin glass models in two and three dimensions. Models with continuous degrees-of-freedom, which are often more realistic in describing physical systems, have received much less attention. To make progress in this direction, the two-dimensional XY spin-glass model with bimodal coupling distribution is investigated by applying a novel ``embedded matching'' technique augmented by a specially tailored genetic algorithm to find numerically exact ground-state configurations for relatively large systems of up to $2828$ spins. Perhaps surprisingly, the resulting ground states are found to be non-generate, implying a critical exponent $= 0$. The spin-glass phase at zero temperature is described by the scaling of the spin stiffness as determined from the energy differences between ground states of systems with different boundary conditions. Owned to the novel technique and the consequently larger accessible system sizes as well as elaborate finite-size scaling techniques, the corresponding spin-stiffness exponent $þeta_s$ is for the first time determined consistently from different sets of boundary conditions. Considering the stiffness of the system towards chiral excitations, a result different from the spin stiffness is found, strongly indicating the presence of spin-chirality decoupling~1,2. The nature of the spin-glass phase is investigated in terms of the fractal dimension of chiral and spin domain walls, as well as the plain and windowed overlaps of ground-state configurations~3. Generalizations of the proposed genetic embedded matching technique to the case of spin glasses on non-planar lattices are considered. Replacing the matching component with an appropriate variant of a local spin-quench approach combined with an element of over-relaxation allows to find exact ground states for a three-dimensional Heisenberg spin glass for systems up to $161616$ spins~4. The resulting estimates of spin and chiral stiffness exponents are contrasted with results for spin and chiral ordering in the Heisenberg spin glass as found from finite-temperature Monte Carlo simulations. itemize ıtem91193 M. Weigel and M. J. P. Gingras, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 097206 (2006). ıtem91293 M. Weigel and M. J. P. Gingras, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19, 145217 (2007). ıtem91393 M. Weigel and M. J. P. Gingras, in preparation. ıtem91493 M. Weigel, in preparation. itemize

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