
The HIP framework aims to guide higher education (HE) teachers and researchers to reconsider and reflect on how to rethink HE pedagogy in new and different ways. It builds on insights from the report Hacking Innovative Pedagogy: Innovation and Digitisation to Rewild Higher Education. A Commented Atlas (Beskorsa, et al., 2023) and incorporates the spirit of rewilding and hacking pedagogies to inspire new professional communities focused on innovating digital education. The framework considers and guides the development of teachers’ digital pedagogy competences through an inclusive bottom-up approach that gives space for individual teacher’s agency while also ensuring a collective teaching culture. The framework emphasizes how pedagogical approaches can address the different needs that HE teachers and student communities have that reflect disciplines cultures and/or the diversity of learners. Only a framework mindful of heterogeneity will be able to address questions of justice and fair access to education. Likewise, in the spirit of rewilding, the framework should not be considered a static “one size fits all” solution. We aim for an organic and dynamic framework that may be used to pause and reflect to then turn back to one’s own teaching community to consider (learn from, listen to and respond to the teaching and learning of different communities). Therefore we plan that this framework will be a living document throughout the HIP-project’s lifetime.

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