
Telecommunications companies undergo massive transformations which reflect onto exacting requirements for controlling thecosts of new Operation Support Systems (OSS) development and integration. This calls for the adoption of new approaches, whichimprove agility and reusability. Model Drive Development (MDD), as specified by OMG, can drastically tackle these issues andhas, therefore, attracted the interest of the telecommunications industry. Equally important is the Open Source paradigm.For MDD to gain wide industrial adoption, tools should be available to facilitate the OSS development process. In this paper,we specify requirements MDD tools should meet for effective application of the approach. An extensive survey is then carriedout to evaluate existing meta-modelling frameworks over the identified tools requirements. Eventually, we present the IntegratedEclipse Model driven Environment (IEME), which comprises a unified environment of bundled Eclipse-based MDD facilities thatalso supports the automatic generation of domain-specific tools.


SpringerLink - Book Chapter

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