
Efficient many-core query execution in main memory column-stores

, и . Data Engineering (ICDE), 2013 IEEE 29th International Conference on, стр. 350--361. (апреля 2013)


We use the full query set of the TPC-H Benchmark as a case study for the efficient implementation of decision support queries on main memory column-store databases. Instead of splitting a query into separate independent operators, we consider the query as a whole and translate the execution plan into a single function performing the query. This allows highly efficient CPU utilization, minimal materialization, and execution in a single pass over the data for most queries. The single pass is performed in parallel and scales near-linearly with the number of cores. The resulting query plans for most of the 22 queries are remarkably simple and are suited for automatic generation and fast compilation. Using a data-parallel, NUMA-aware many-core implementation with block summaries, inverted index data structures, and efficient aggregation algorithms, we achieve one to two orders of magnitude better performance than the current record holders of the TPC-H Benchmark.

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