
Annotations allow users to associate additional information with existing resources. Using proprietary and closed systems on the Web, users are already able to annotate multimedia resources such as images, audio and video. So far, however, this information is almost always kept locked up and inaccessible to the Web of Data. We believe that an important step to take is the integration of multimedia annotations and the Linked Data principles. This should allow clients to easily publish and consume, thus exchange annotations about resources via common Web standards. We first present the current status of the Open Annotation Collaboration, an international initiative that is currently working on annotation interoperability specifications based on best practices from the Linked Data effort. Then we present two use cases and early prototypes that make use of the proposed annotation model and present lessons learned and discuss yet open technical issues.


[1106.5178] The Open Annotation Collaboration (OAC) Model

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  • @acka47
  • @dblp
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