
Topology optimization of structures with manufacturing and unilateral contact constraints by minimizing an adjustable compliance–volume product

. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 42 (3): 341--350 (September 2010)
DOI: 10.1007/s00158-010-0502-1


In this paper the concept of extended optimality, or hyperoptimality, is adopted. By following this idea, a new compliance–volume product is suggested as objective. The volume appearing in the product is also raised to the power of a new design parameter which can be set to different values. In such manner design concepts with different volume fractions can be generated by using the approach of extended optimality. Both manufacturing constraints and unilateral contact constraints are included in the proposed method. The manufacturing constraints are implemented by adjusting the move limits such that the draw directions are satisfied. Both one draw direction as well as split draw constraints are considered. The contact conditions are modeled by the augmented Lagrangian approach such that the Jacobian in the Newton algorithm as well as in the adjoint equation becomes symmetric. The design parametrization is done by the SIMP model and Sigmund’s filter is utilized when the sensitivities are calculated. The proposed method is very robust and efficient. This is demonstrated by solving problems in both 2D and 3D. The numerical results are also compared to solutions obtained by performing compliance optimization with a constraint on the volume fraction.

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