
The prevalence of dental disease, the types and quality of dental care, and the provision of services were assessed for 150 cerebral palsied children (mean age 10.25 years) attending special schools in Leeds and compared with a matched control group of 191 children (mean age 10.39 years). Similar dental caries experience existed in the two groups, but study children had more extracted and unrestored teeth, and fewer and poorer quality restorations than control children. Oral hygiene and gingival health were worse in the study group, which also exhibited delayed eruption and higher levels of tooth wear. Significantly greater overjet (5.1 mm compared with 2.5 mm) and less crowding occurred in the study group than in the control group. All parents had favorable attitudes toward dentistry and were satisfied with their children's dental care. More study children received treatment from the community dental service, while the general dental services were used more commonly by the control group.

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