
Stability and chaos in coupled two-dimensional maps on Gene Regulatory Network of bacterium E.Coli

, and . (2010)cite arxiv:1002.2600 Comment: submitted to CHAOS.


The collective dynamics of coupled two-dimensional chaotic maps on complex networks is known to exhibit a rich variety of emergent properties which crucially depend on the underlying network topology. We investigate the collective motion of Chirikov standard maps interacting with time delay through directed links of Gene Regulatory Network of bacterium Escherichia Coli. Departures from strongly chaotic behavior of the isolated maps are studied in relation to different coupling forms and strengths. At smaller coupling intensities the network induces stable and coherent emergent dynamics. The unstable behavior appearing with increase of coupling strength remains confined within a connected sub-network. For the appropriate coupling, network exhibits statistically robust self-organized dynamics in a weakly chaotic regime.


[1002.2600] Stability and chaos in coupled two-dimensional maps on Gene Regulatory Network of bacterium E.Coli

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